//// public sphere and rhetoric / offentlighed og retorik // residency programme

//// EXPLOITATION ON DEMAND project by Karin Laansoo


_____Submission deadline: February 20, 2010

New York based Estonian curator Karin Laansoo is looking for intervention-like performances that will create mildly exploitive situations in public spaces.

Exploitation On Demand is a series of public performances carried out by local volunteers in Berlin according to authors' instructions.

Whether psychological, social or economic, exploitation by definition involves a persistent relationship in which certain persons are being mistreated or unfairly used for the benefit of others. A transaction is exploitative only if it is unfair, meaning that the goods or services exchanged are not of equivalent value. By providing a set context to act on and by giving the 'permission' to exploit, we will enter the territory of exchange rates for goods, time, services or physical bodies. Whether involving harmful or mutually advantageous, consensual or nonconsensual relations, the performances will make asymmetrical connections visible, but they could also create conflicting situations. The project dips into a personal economy of exchange rates as well as asks questions about the exploitive nature of art.

All descriptions as well as documentation of selected performances will be compiled into a Training Manual for Public Exploitation.

+ Project is open to all international applicants.

+ The performances must take place in the city of Berlin, March 1-14, 2010.

+ Selected performances will be carried out by local volunteers in Berlin according to authors' instructions.

+ The descriptions have to provide a title as well as specific instructions for the exact location of the performance, duration and the preferred local participants.

To apply please e-mail karin.laansoo@gmail.com the following info on or before Saturday, February 20, 2010:

____home address
____A brief description of the performance (max. 300 words)

All submissions should be e-mailed to karin.laansoo@gmail.com with subject line OPEN CALL.

This residency project is supported by Sparwasser HQ and netres.