I Know the World

Event- und Ausstellungsreihe:

"I Know The World" is a series of smaller exhibitions and lectures which take place in Sparwasser HQ in the autumn.
As the title indicates Sparwasser HQ has been looking for individuals and projects, who can offer a different and subjective interpretations of the World.

The series started with an evening lecture by Lize Mogel, presenting her 'radical cartography': the world as a world map (and other cartographic experiments). Sparwasser invited curator (Berlin-editor for Art Asia Pacific) Astrid Mania and the artists behind the Australian magazine "Slave" to host an evening; then co-curator Frederikke Hansen presented the documentation of "Rethinking Nordic Colonialism: A Postcolonial Exhibition Project in Five Acts", a big exhibition project, which stretched over 8 countries in the Nordic region and dealt with the effects that Nordic colonialism have on us today, followed by a week where the documentation arcihve was available for the public to navigate in.

NOW, the exhibitions "I Know The World 1-2-3" will look at how artists go abroard, research and encounter a (local) foreign context as a basis for their work. With the project a discusion is raised about the difference and similarities between Being-on-Holiday and Artist-in-Residence. The first exhibition opens 12th of September.

Along with Sparwassers aim to support artists emancipatory initiatives, a representative from Artquest in London, Russell Martin, will talk (Oct 6.) about their forthcoming Artelier project, a website for artists to arrange peer-to-peer temporary international studio swap, providing a social network for real-life visits to art scenes around the world. And finally Artists Talks with the exhibiting artists will offer a possibility to discuss the works made during self-organised travelling as well as instutional artist-in-residences.



29. August 2007 Mittwoch um 20. Uhr
Lize Mogel, Künstler-Präsentation

31. August Freitag um 20. Uhr
Astrid Mania presentiert Kain Picken and Rob McKenzie, Künstler-magazine-Präsentation

1. - 7. Septemper
1. September, Samstag um 20. Uhr Präsentation von Kuratorin Frederikke Hansen
5.-7. September Mitwoch-Freitag 16-19 Uhr Video-archive

13. September - 6. Oktober
I Know the World 1
Lise Harlev, Soeren Lose, J&K, Sascha Pohle

Eröffnung Dienstag 12. September um 19. Uhr
Extra Öffnungzeiten wäremd Art Forum Berlin 2007:
Samstag, 29. -3. Oct 2007 18–22 Uhr

Artists Talk
Samstag 6. Oktober um 20 Uhr: Søren Lose und Lise Harlev

Specialists Talk
Dienstag, 9. Oktober um 20 Uhr: Russell Martin, Artquest, London

13. Oktober - 10. November
I Know the World 2
Matti Blind, Tamar Guimaraes, Antonia Low, Tanja N. Paulsen/ Grete Aagaard, Amalia Pica, Tommy Støckel, Markus Willeke
Eröffnung Freitag 12. Oktober um 19. Uhr

Montag 12. November um 8 PM
The American Headshot von David Levine

17. November - 15. Dezember
I Know the World 3
J&K : Egyptomaniacs
Eröffnung Freitag 16. November um 19. Uhr