Offensive for Contemporary Art and Communication

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Sparwasser HQ
Offensive for Contemporary Art and Communication
Fischzug 5 B
10245 Berlin

telefon +49 (0)30 44047981
mobile +49 (0) 179 6705859

Contact via email

Sparwasser HQ is a not-for-profit exhibition space and project, at the moment a residency-center and an office.

Sparwasser HQ's practice is characterized by an open, process-oriented participation from a large group of artists and theorists, influencing the program as well as the day to day running of the space. Theory and organization result from this artistic collaboration. New projects grow out of an intense exchange of ideas, leading to constant questioning and reformulating of Sparwasser's strategies.
A broader field of work, including monthly exhibitions combined with video screenings, artist talks, and live performances, re-examines the context of contemporary art practice and expands our objectives. Since the beginning of the project in the summer of 2000, Sparwasser HQ has shown more than 100 exhibitions, and with events, artists talks, and dialogues we have been able to build up and establish our position as a place of communication. Sparwasser HQ is linked to the Scandinavian art scene, while defining itself as part of a international, multilingual scene. Sparwasser HQ combines theory and practice, production and communication, politics and aesthetics.
With the aim of examining contemporary society and the conditions of artistic production by confronting various artistic and curatorial practices, we consider art an important form of alternative knowledge production.

Sparwasser HQ is organised by Lise Nellemann, Katja Meyer and Viktorija Siaulyte.

Become a member!

Sparwasser HQ e.V. is founded in 2003: Founding members

Sparwasser HQ is a Member of ADKV