Julika Gittner
Born in Cologne 1974
BA Fine Arts Goldsmiths College,
London 1997
BSc Architecture Bartlett School of Architecture, London 2001
selected exhibitions
2003, 'Mosquito Castle',
Rohkunstbau, Gross Leuten
2002, 'tales of folly', cardboard gallery, London
2001, 'regulated landscape', Bartlett Summer Show, London
2000, 'DRATER! two', Galerie Maschenmode, Berlin
2000, 'DRATER!', Dragon gallery, London
1999, 'something more substantial', Assam Street gallery, London
1998, 'something for the weekend', Assam Street gallery, London
1997, 'il luogo desolato', One in the Other gallery, London
1996, 'invisible', Saga Basement Gallery, Copenhagen
prizes/ scholarships
2001/ 2003-'05 AA School
of Architecture Scholarship
2001, RIBA Donaldson Medal for distinguished Design, architecture
'99-01, RIBA study grant for architecture