Nezaket Ekici

Schönhauser Allee 127a II
10437 Berlin
Tel: 030/ 43 73 59 03
Mobil: 0173/ 36 78 272








01/11/1970 born in Kirsehir Turkey
lives from 1973 in Germany
1990-1993 education as print, Duisburg,Germany
1994-2000 Studies in history of arts, arts pedagogy at
the Ludwig Maximilians University,
finish with master Munich Germany
1996-2000 studies in sculpture at the academy of fine
arts, Munich Germany
2001 studies in performance at Braunschweig School of
Art, by Marina Abramovic





1998 Stipendium for foreign Student from Bavarian Free
State Munich
2000 Antonio Ratti Foundation, Summeracademy by Ilya
Kabakov, Como/ Italy
2001 Brazier's Internationale Artist Workshop
Summeracademy, Oxfordeshire, England
2002 Trägerin des Else-Heiliger-Stipendiums der
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung des Jahres 2002
2002 Finanziel Project Support from Goethe Institut
Inter Nationes Mailand/ Italy
2003 Stipendium for 4 months at Künstlerdorf
2003 Finanziel Project Support from Goethe Institut
Inter Nationes Damaskus/ Syrien





Solo Exibition:

1999 "Lab Control" Installation/Performance Academy
Gallery Munich
2000 "Emotion in Motion" Kissperformance
Kaskadenkondensator Basel, Switzerland
2002 "Lee(h)rstellen- Beauty lies in the eye of the
Beholder"; Instal./Perform. Academy
Galery Munich
2002 "Werkschau" Instal./Performance Gallery White
2002 "Emotion in Motion" Kissperfor./Instal. Gallery
Valeria Belvedere Milano


Group Exibition:

-"Große Kunstaustellung München/Haus der Kunst 2002
Museum of contempery Art in Munich
- Advanced Course in Visual Arts "ILYA KABAKOV"
Foundatione Ratti, Chiesa San Francesco COMO
-"Zimmer Frei" Hotel Mariandl Munich
- "Gestrandet" Container Ausstellung Odeonsplace
- Galerie Unartig Munich



- " Iceprincess" Interim Munich
- "Step by Step" Gallery KHG Leo 11, Munich
- "Translation, Transformation" The 7th Performance
Studies Conference / Mainz University
- "base.ment" Subway U6 Munich
- Course of ILYA Kabakov in Gallery Via Farini Milano

- Brazier's International Artist Workshop Oxfordshire

- Real Presence - Generation, 25. May Museum, Belgrad
- Marking the territory, Irish Museum of Modern Art,
- "Get that Balance" Sculputure Factory Cork
- "A little bit of History Repeated"/ Kunst-Werke
- Autoren Gallery Munich



-"Durch die Zeit" Kunstraum 10, Hannover
- "Common ground#1", Landesvertr. Niedersachsen,
- Random Ize Film and Video festival, London
- No Place , Ifa Galerie Bonn
- "Magnetmusicport- the electronic Woddstock" in
Wittstock bei Berlin
- "Short Play" Workshops "Clean the House/ Marina
Abramovic Museum Centro Calego the arte Contemporane
in Santiago de Compostela, Spanien
- "frisch eingetroffen" Zeitraum _ex!t Büro für Kunst
e.V., Mannheim
- Braunschweiger Kulturnacht 2002, Braunschweig
-"TransArt02" Franzensfeste/Fortezza Brixten
-"Pret à porter" Via Farini Milano
-"Body Power/ Power Play" Würtembergisches Kunstverein
- "Stipendiaten Ausstellung (EHF 2002)" der
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Berlin



-MAX5 Show/ Film & Video Festival at the Foundry,
London England 25/26.02.2003
- "Rituale- in der zeitgenössischen Kunst" Akademie
der Künste Berlin 5.4.2003
- Women's Art Festival 5TH International Aleppo/Syria
10.5. ­ 18.5.2003
- Random Ize Film and Video festival, Taipei/ Taiwan
17.5.- 1.6.2003
- As soon as possible/ Performance Loop, PAC Milano
- Recycling the future, Venice Biennale 12.6.2003
- Performance in der Kunsthalle Fridericianum Kassel
- Mediatatic Super Salon Amsterdam, 6.7.2003




Ekici Nezaket:
"Rezeptionsästhetische Theorien und deren praktische
Anwendung bei der Vermittlungsarbeit im Museum,
aufgezeigt anhand des Gemäldes "Die Vision des
heiligen Franziskus" von Carlo Sareceni in der Alten
Pinakothek München", München 2000



Exh. Cat.
"Große Kunstausstellung München 2000 / Räume für die
Positionen im Haus der Kunst", S.59, Haus der Kunst
München 2000

Foundazione Ratti:
"Ilya Kabakov/ Public projects or the spirit of a
place" Advanced Course in Visual Arts Publication,
S.297, Edition Charta, Milano 2001
Exh. Cat.
"base.ment" 13 Installationen im Zwischengeschoß der
U6 München 4-8.7.2001, S.42-45, Alpha team,
Exh. Cat.
"NO PLACE" IFA Galerie Bonn, S.44, Bonn 2002
Exh. Cat.
"Braziers International Artist Worshop 2001", S.22-23,
Oxfordshire England 2001
Exh. Cat.
"Rituale- in der zeitgenössischen Kunst" Akademie der
Künste, S.58-59, Berlin 2003





Freia Oliv:
"Junges Trio zwischen Akademie und renommierter
Galerie" Münchner Merkur 17.9.1999 München
Laura Frigerio:
"Interno a una bottiglia vuota" S. 55 Corriere della
Serra, 3.7.2000
"Kunstort U_Bahn" Süddeutsche Zeitung Nr. 152 ,
5.7.2001 München
"Konzertsaal am Goetheplatz" Abendzeitung, 5.7.2001
Marie Neidlinger
"Künstler toben im Untergrund" Münchener Merkur,
5.7.2001 München
Astrid Mayerle
"Überschall im Untergrund" Die Welt (Kultur &
Gesellschaft, 6.7.2001
Matthias Bieber
"Im Untergrund" tobt die Kunst" Tageszeitung, 9.7.2001
Matt Kavanagh
Home News,, Irish Times, 22.10.2001 Dublin
SZ-Galerie Tipp, SZ Extra Woche vom 14-20.3.2002
Süddeutsche Zeitung München
Alvaro Bellesteros
"Marina Abramovic pedom casa de Antes de Ulla" La Voz
de Galici S.8, .27.6.2002 Spain

Alexander Huber"Kunst mit Ohrfeige nach dem Prinzip
Kurzfilm, Braunschweiger Zeitung/ Kulturseite,
Braunschweig, 5.7.2002, p?

Nisrine Maktabi , Women's arts festival turns heads
with daring performances
Aleppo hosts international event that challenges ideas
on sexuality, space and _expression, Special to The
Daily Star, Jordan, 20.5.2003, p?






Artist Statement: Nezaket Ekici

The idea, the thought, the draft are the bases for the
execution of my artwork. Ideas come from everyday
life situations, social and cultural atmospheres. Then
the idea expresses itself in the performances and
installation art. As well as this, I use the body as a
means of expression.

The artistsic idea is expressed using the body alone,
as part of the installation and within the context of
an audience.

The subjects I deal with are time, movement, space,
material, body, action/interaction. I try to create
works of art that leave for the viewer, free space
for associations and new possibilities. I take a
special situation from everyday life and without
illustrating this one for one; I place it into a new

I aim to create art where all of the elements are
connected together to form a whole work of art (