Tere Recarens

Besenrien / 2002 / 1' 30"

Marseille, France


Tere Recarens lives and works in Berlin



SMP is an associative art gallery run by an artists collective since 1994. It was opened in July 1994 with the exhibition "Anonyme.
Since 1999 we essentially organize individual exhibitions.
It seems to us essential to offer artists this unique experience and to help them in the production. Thus, we created a system to help artists in realizing their projects:
- so that they have enough time to work on their projects at the site of the exhibition,
- to offer them logistics and financial aids.
SMP welcomes with as much availability as possible contemporary creation and its diffusion.
Since 1999, we offer a critical witnessing look on exhibitions, publishing texts in the form of bulletins or on the association site.

Since 2001, SMP is publishing the drawings magazine TOC.

During winter 2002, the site of exhibition has been renovated and made bigger (100 m2).

SMP is:
Jean-Paul Berrenger, Ingrid Hochschorner, Stephane Magat, Geraldine Pastor Lloret, Mathieu Provansal, Denis Prisset.

Open to public during exhibitions (4 weeks), Tue-Sa 15:00,-19:00,. (free entrance)

SMP is backed by the city of Marseille,
La Region
Provence-Alpes-Cote d,Azur, Le Conseil General de Bouches-du-Rhone.

contact: Géraldine Pastor Lloret gplloret@hotmail.com

31 rue consolat
13001 Marseille
tel 0491647446