Teresa Andrew

touch me - not / 2003 / 13'


The Blue Oyster Arts Trust
Dunedin, New Zealand


touch me - not

I use the body as the locus of behaviour,every-day actions and gestures become a performative 'body-speech', a language articulated in repetitive continuous movement.
I am intersted in the body's production of somatic symptoms and how they read as a system of signs. Hands for me tell stories of pain, desire, need, disappointment and mistakes. From a private position within the social body language is transferred between one body and another. This piece displays, un-edited, the body as fragmented, the hands repeat a private gesture, made public through the viewers participatoty act of 'looking'.The hands in pain cannot be touched.


Teresa Andrew,

Installation-video-performance artist



The Blue Oyster Arts Trust

The Blue Oyster Arts Trust is a non-profit, charitable trust that was established in Dunedin, New Zealand in 1999. Our aim is to provide an alternative art project space that encourages contemporary and innovative art practices. Since opening, the Blue Oyster Gallery has presented a mix of emergent artists with artists of national and international significance. The Blue Oyster Gallery provides an essential contribution to the local as well as national arts communities by offering a professional and diverse art project space that is accessible to the public. The Blue Oyster Gallery has secured a unique position within the Dunedin art scene and earned a reputation for showing experimental art practices. As a non-profit organization, our ethos is to shift the focus away from commodification, allowing artists the freedom to experiment and produce work that is not commercially oriented.

The Blue Oyster Gallery receives major funding from Creative NZ Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa. We would also like to thank the Dunedin City Council, Community Trust of Otago, MagnumMac and Arc Cafe

Blue Oyster has moved
Blue Oyster
Contemporary Art Project Space
Now located on Moray place in Dunedin's CBD
Basement, Moray Chambers
30 Moray Place
New Zealand

p. 03 479 0197
m. 025 908 187
hrs. 11 - 5 Tues to Fri 12 - 3 Sat

Please note new postal co-ordinates: P.O. Box 5903, Dunedin 9001
Telephone and email remain the same.

Contact Robyn Dold