Born 1970 in Denmark. | |
Lives and works in Copenhagen and Berlin. | |
Viktoriagade 24,2.th. | |
Denmark1655 Kbh. V. | |
Tel. (45) 33 25 04 88 | |
Mobile. (45) 27 21 04 88 | |
e-mail: e@katyasander.net | |
Education: | |
1999-00 | The Whitney Independent Study Program, New York. |
1994-99 | The Royal Academy for Fine Arts, Copenhagen: Department for Media Art. |
1992-94 | The Royal Academy for Fine Arts: School of Architecture. |
1990-97 | University of Copenhagen: Literature & Cultural Studies. |
Solo exhibitions & projects: | |
2004 | "Match" (with Andrea Geyer), Esbjerg Kunstmuseum, Denmark. |
2003 | "In 2053 Malm will no longer be Swedishî, Rooseum, Malm", Sweden. |
2002 | "Double Cinema" (Open studio) ISCP, New York. |
Collaboration with architects and planners on designing a new part of the city Roskilde. Construction start: April, 2003. | |
2001 | Studio & research recidency, Rooseum, Malm, Sweden. |
"Safety Graffitti" for 9 1/5 Castles, in Eslv, Sweden. | |
"Recorders", (with Francois Bucher) Location One, New York. | |
"Temporary Occupations and Other Double Binds" (with Alex Villar), Halle_f¸r_Kunst, L¸neburg, Germany (Cat.). | |
"Vollsmose and the paintingof balconies" for CUDI Centre for Urban Dialogue and Information, Odense, Denmark. | |
"Outerplace/Who is the Austronaut?"Lichthaus Bremen (with Alex Villar), Bremen, Germany (Cat. under production). | |
Leipzig Kunsthalle (grant, residency & show), Germany. | |
"Languages of 82%", Galleri Tommy Lund, Copenhagen, Denmark. | |
2000 | "All of the Houses in the Area...", Whitney ISP, Open Studios. New York, USA. |
1999 | "Safety Guarantee", Akershus Kunstnersenter, Oslo, Norway. |
1998 | "Fredstidsbenyttelse" (Safetyguarantee), at MFKOKM, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
"Withinwithout" (with Karin Lind) at Galleri Tommy Lund, Odense, Denmark. | |
1996 | "Evening Piece", Galleri Campbells Occasionally, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
1995 | "Double Feature" (with Andrea Creutz and Gunvor Vibe Pedersen) at Globeís,Copenhagen(Denmark). |
Selected group exhibitions: | |
2004 | "Blind Date II", Contemporary Art Space, Tokyo, Japan (Cat.). |
2003 | "EfterÂrsudstillingen", Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark (Cat.). |
"Spaces of Valecies", Bratislava, Slovakia. | |
"Appropriated Spaces",Wolfsburg Kunstverein, Wolfsburg, Germany (Cat.). | |
"www.WOMEN2003.org", billboardproject in Scandinavia. | |
"Feast/Hospitality", Rum46, Aarhus, Denmark. | |
2002 | "Rent-a-bench", Los Angeles (Cat.). |
"Esplanaden II", Charlottenborg, Denmark (Cat.). | |
"Social Sectors", Exnergasse, Vienna, Austria (Cat.). | |
"The Collective Unconscious", MIGROS Museum, Zurich, Switzerland. | |
"Blind Date I", dialogue exhibition-project. Brandts KlÊdefabrik, Odense, Denmark (Cat.). | |
2001 | "Young Nordic Art Biennial", Gteborg, Sweden (Cat.). |
"3rd sector (with Women at Bars)", Wolfsburg Kunsthalle and Leipzig Kunsthalle, Germany (Cat.). | |
"Madsned Fortet (in an old military defence building)", Denmark (Cat.). | |
"Get That Balance", (with LAB), Hamburg, Germany. | |
"Quality Street", Galleri Tommy Lund, Copenhagen, Denmark. | |
"Take Off", Generational exhibition at Aarhus Art Museum. rhus, Denmark (Cat.). | |
"Esplanaden I", Kunsthallen, Copenhagen, Denmark. | |
"alt. exhibition to The Havana", Bienial 2000, Havana, Cuba. | |
2000 | "EfterÂrsudstillingen" with the group "Women at bars" at Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark (Cat.). |
"AUSSENDIENST", at Hamburg Kunsthalle, a (city)site-specifik show in Hamburg, Germany (Cat.) | |
"Century of Innocence - The History of the White Monocrome", at Rooseum, Malm, Sweden (Cat.). | |
"The North", Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria (Cat.). | |
"Momentum - Biennale for recent Nordic art (with Francois Bucher)", Moss, Norway. | |
"Models of Resistance", Overgaden, organized by GLOBE. Copenhagen / Gothenburg, DK / S. | |
"ArtGenda (with Christina Prip)", Helsinki, Finland (Cat.). | |
"Art Primeur", Dordrecht, The Netherlands (Cat.). | |
1999 | "LAB - because you deserve it", with the group LAB at Overgaden, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
"Someone to watch..." in videoprogram at the National Gallery for Fine Art, Copenhagen, Denmark (Cat.). | |
"Kahve & Kul¸p", in StreetSharks Biennalen, Krners Kontor. Cph. Denmark (Cat.). | |
"24 Heures De Luxe" , B&B Unlimited, at Hotel Scribe, Paris, France. | |
1998 | "Who's the Doctor?", (with the group "Women Down the Pub" : Andrea Creutz, Kirstine Roepsdorff, sa Sonjasdotter), at Kvinfo, Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
"Boomerang", Nikolaj - Copenhagen Exhibition Space for Contemporary Art, Denmark (Cat.). | |
"Nuit Blanche" (in video program, with LAB) MusÈe de L'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France (Cat.). | |
1996 | "D.I.Y. ñ Mapping & Instructions", Bricks and Kicks, Vienna, Austria (Cat.). |
"Abstract 96, by Saga Basement", Forum, Malm. Sweden. | |
Bibliography: | |
Artists Newsletter, AN, Jan. 2003, article by Lars Bang Larsen. | |
Art Forum, January 2001: "Hamburg -Aussendienst", review by Wolf Jahn. | |
AUSSENDIENST catalogue, "The Politics of Space", essay by Simon Sheikh. | |
NU: "Models of Resistance", review by Lars Bang Larsen. | |
Politiken, 22 Oct. 2000, "Aussendienst", review by Trine Ross. | |
Politiken, 22. Jan. 2000, "Whitney Verdens navle" , interview by Kristine Kern. | |
Art/Text #64, 1999. "Safety Guarantee", review by Lars Bang Larsen. | |
Information, 17. Oct.1998, "VÊr beredt", article by Gertrud Kbke Sutton. | |
Index, 1997, "D.I.Y., Vienna", review by Ben Bothwick. | |
Own writing: | |
2003 | "just before invisibility", manuscript for the conference "Before Invisibility". |
2001 | "revolutions per. minute, (with Ashley Hunt)", text for "Suroundings Surrounded", MIT Press. |
"As the wind outside shifts", in a book about Olafur Eliasson, Published by Dundee CCA. | |
2000 | "All of the Houses in the Area..." in a catalog for Century of Innocence, Rooseum, Malm, Sweden. |
"Michael, Doris, Aurelio, Ann-Karina, Christine og Lisa, Per, Ole Preben og...", in "SÂ er det sagt, nu er det nok" a book about feminism, published by Rosinante. | |
1999 | "Det m s vÊre udfordringen", in catalog for Street Sharks, Published by Krners Kontor, Copenhagen. |
"Kunst om rum og rum om kunst, Periskop #", research publication, University of Copenhagen. | |
1998 | "Denmark ñ notes on culural historical backgraound of the arts", Manifesta 2 Catalog, Luxemborg. |
In "Presenting LAB - LAB Presents", publication with the group LAB. At Pineapple, Malm, Sweden. | |
"it's a house, not a home", The Meaning of Site, jeblikket special issue. | |
1997 | "Ann Lislegaard", Istanbul Bienial Catalog. |
1996 | "Now Here", Texte Zur Kunst #23. |
"Alikeness", exhibition concept, curating & catalogue text for Centre for Contemporary Photography in Melbourne, Australia. | |
1996 - | Editor of "ÿjeblikket" ó a (Danish) magazine for art and visual cultures. |
2001 | Edited the book "We're all Normal (and we want our freedom)", Black Dog Publishing, London. |